\r\nThese new offerings included Carrot Ads, which provided monetization capabilities for advertising, Carrot Warehouses, which offered more flexibility to local fulfillment models, including 15-minute delivery, new nano-fulfillment centers, and automation services, and Carrot Insights, a data gathering service giving retailers real-time visibility into their operations by leveraging key performance and operational metrics.
Building out seamless capabilities is a critical strategic priority for the grocery delivery company. Speaking at the recent RIS and Progressive Grocer Grocery Tech event in Cincinnati, David McIntosh, VP and general manager of connected stores at Instacart explained that, “The perfect experience blends the online and in-store experience. We believe in a five-year horizon – it will be one single mode that works really well together. Then you peel back the layers, and it is a seamless experience – it’s frictionless.”
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