Digital Diamonds: Mining for Valuable Data to Drive Hyper-Personalized Experiences

Consumer data

Personalization is key to retail success, but what happens when the well of data that drives this initiative isn’t properly tapped?

Consumers today are overloaded with various ways to shop. From online ordering and home delivery, to BOPIS and curbside pick-up — even differences in placing orders from a mobile phone vs. their desktop. Shopping has reached a level of complexity that can aggravate consumers if the process isn’t intuitive and streamlined. And a poor consumer experience can lead to brand irrelevance — and an unwillingness to share valuable data. 

Hear from industry insiders who know what it takes to gather customer data and infuse it into every process, from the supply chain to store operations to merchandising, and more. Because in today’s competitive environment, hyper-personalized experiences and a trove of data diamonds aren’t options, but imperatives.

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